Development Plan
A five – story state of art Islamic Centre & Mosque
A five – story state of art Islamic Centre & Mosque
Much enlarged, to contain the Ladies Prayer Hall, Ladies Quiet Room, Cycle Store, a Refuse Area, a Services Area, a small Store and X5 WCs (plus 1 disability access WC) and a WUDU.
The basement will be accessed by three stairwells, one to the front, one to the rear and one to the eastern side, in addition to the Lift.
Completely rebuilt, to contain: The main entrance to the ground floor lobby (and Lift), with a separate entrance to access the stairwell to the Men’s Prayer Hall above and a separate entrance to access the Ladies Prayer Hall below, also giving access to the ground floor nursery area and the lift.
The ground floor will also accommodate a Shop Unit, a Quiet Room, a Kitchen, an Office/Reception room, and an area designated for the Nursery (complete with a Nursery Staff Room, a Wet Area and appropriate WC’s for Children).
In addition, the ground floor also contains the men’s WCs and the men’s WUDU Area, plus a Staff Shower and disability access WC.
Completely rebuilt, to contain: The Men’s Main Prayer Hall plus two small equipment stores. The first floor is accessed by the three staircases plus the lift.
Newly built, to contain two halls: one of 130 SQM, towards the front of the building and the second hall of 89 SQM at the rear of the building. The second-floor halls are supported by a Servery, at the front of the building and WCs, a disability WC and a WUDU area at the rear of the building. The second floor is accessed by the lift and three staircases, one to the front, one to the rear and one to the west side.
Newly built, to contain: The School: consisting of 5 main classrooms, varying in occupancy from 14 to 20 students (a total occupancy of 80 students), supported by; a School reception area at the front of the building, a School Office, a store and Boys WCs, Girls WCs and a unisex disability access WC. The third floor is accessed by the lift and three staircases, one to the front, one to the rear and one to the west side.