Since the closure of Al Huda Mosque there have been many fundraising events and Alhamdulilah a significant amount of the funds required for the Masjid rebuild has been raised. Most of this has been spearheaded by the more elderly members of the community – management committee & volunteers have visited Mosques all over the UK, Scandinavia, Somalia, Kenya,Djibouti travelling 1000s of miles, May Allah (swt) reward them all!
The younger generation, therefore, took initiative and organised this one-day football tournament. The tournament took place on Sunday 23rd December 2018 at Stepney Green Astro Turf pitch and despite the bad weather, it was a great community event.
Watch the video here (mainly in Somali language with some English)
- 8 teams entered the tournament
- 8 a side
- All proceeds going to Mosque Rebuild (Entrance fees, sales from food & drinks)
Total Money Raised = £900 + £340 in monthly standing orders! Alhamdulilah. May Allah (swt) reward all those that contributed their time, money and efforts.
Winning Team = “FNF” who did not concede a goal from open play the whole tournament!
We will hopefully be organising a bigger Summer tournament so stay tuned and follow us on Social @AlHudaCCM
Finally, in goes without saying, please continue to support our masjid rebuild and donate as much as you can. Charity is not a one time payment, but rather an on-going investment in your akhirah.
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Hats off to our youngsters! May Allah (swt) reward all those that contributed their time, money and efforts.